
Mini Session

Preferably outdoors

30 min Photography
6 retouched digital images
Additional Images Available for Purchase
Printable up to 8X10 INCHES
Delivered via Download

$385 + 5% gst


In home or outdoors

1 hr Photography
12 retouched digital images
Additional Images Available for Purchase
Printable up to any size
Websize included
Delivered Via Download

$625 + 5% gst


In home, Outdoors or STUDIO

Up to 1.5 hrs photography
16 retouched digital images
Additional Images Available for Purchase
Printable up to any size
Websize included
Black & White images included
Delivered via download

$785 + 5% gst


What to wear to a photoshoot?

A.The main thing is to be comfortable. A family photo shoot should be a relaxed and happy event. Wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable will help you to ease into the shoot.

It’s not so much about what to avoid, but what works best for you and your surroundings.

For instance, if you are having a garden shoot, surrounded by lots of leafy green foliage, muted greens, browns and oranges will only aid in camouflaging you. If it’s a dreary, overcast day, you might want to re-consider wearing whites and greys and going for a pop of colour or contrast instead.

Contrast is your friend. Make sure you set yourself apart from your background.

What not to wear to a photoshoot?

A.In terms of what to avoid, the main thing I suggest people avoid wearing are any clothing with large logos or motifs/characters. These graphics, particularly logos and well known characters can really detract from the focal point – your lovely faces. Peoples eyes will naturally be drawn to those in the first instance.
You should also avoid any overly branded clothing and outfits that are too casual. I want to see people looking comfortable in their portraits, but I also want to see them looking like the best versions of themselves. Tracksuits are hardly ever a good idea as wardrobe for a professional portrait.

Can I purchase more images than my package?

A.Yes, additional retouched images are available for purchase. Contact me for pricing.

Can I get my retouched images plus all the photos in raw format?

A.Unfortunately not. Only retouched images will be provided.

What if I book an outdoor session and the weather changes?

A.Some apps are pretty accurate, but living in Vancouver has taught us that we can't trust the weather. Incase there is a change in the weather we can always rebook the session.

Does it need to be really sunny to get nice photos?

A.On the contrary. It's much harder to shoot in the sun. My ideal weather for a photoshoot would be overcast with some sun. We get a much softer light on cloudy days.

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